Hang Lik - Factory Tour
We are handbag experts, also producing high quality casual bags, sports bags, and travelling bags for Europe and···
(Established) September 2013
(Location) Shiling Town (famous leatherware city), Guangzhou, China.
(Distance) 1 hour's drive from Guangzhou Int'l Airport.
(Factory) 4 sites (Hard Bags, Soft Bags, Wallet and Backpack)
(Scale) 250 workers, some are with us for over 10 years.
(Market) Asia, Middle East, USA, and Europe.
(Products) Wallet, Fashion Bags, Casual and Sports Bags.
We are handbag experts, also producing high quality casual bags, sports bags, and travelling bags for Europe and···
Bags are one of the industry's most popular segments, accounting for a substantial portion of the revenue. I···
Labor cost shares high percentage on the product price calculation. To make our products more competitive, other···